Born into battle, Aric of Dacia, the fifth century Visigoth now known as X-O Manowar, has never known peace. Abducted and enslaved by the savage alien empire known as The Vine, Aric finally escaped his captors after stealing their ultra powerful X-O Manowar armor and returned to Earth…only to find that more than a thousand years had passed in his absence. Stranded in the modern day, the most primitive man on Earth now wields the most powerful weapon in existence as X-O Manowar…
But when Aric decides to use to his newfound power to reclaim the ancestral homeland of his Visigoth forefathers – the nation-state of Dacia, now in modern day Romania – he will inadvertently set the world on a path to nuclear annihilation…one that can only be prevented by the elite super-team called Unity! And, together, Unity will unleash a world-shaking battle royale pitting the world’s most formidable heroes – Toyo Hardaa, Ninjak, Eternal Warrior, and Livewire – against the unstoppable might of X-O Manowar.
Collecting X-O MANOWAR #15–22 by New York Times best-selling writer Robert Venditti (Green Lantern) and artists Lee Garbett (Loki: Agent of Asgard) and Cary Nord (Conan), plus the sold-out UNITY #1–4 by New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) and artist Doug Braithwaite (Justice), this deluxe, oversized X-O Manowar hardcover also comes packed with more than 20 pages of never-before-seen art and extras, direct from the Valiant vaults.
- Price: $39.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 320
- On Sale: April 22, 2015
- Writer: Robert Venditti, Matt Kindt
- Artist: Lee Garbett, Cary Nord, Doug Braithwaite, Vicente Cifuentes
- Cover Artist: Ladrönn
- Editor: Warren Simons, Josh Johns