A blistering battle royale!
He betrayed his friends. He betrayed his country to save us all… In the wake of NINJAK VS. THE VALIANT UNIVERSE’s stunning digital debut – coming this winter to digital devices everywhere – get the full story behind the head-to-head showdowns, hero-on-hero collisions, and epic consequences that await as Ninjak goes it alone against a gauntlet of the Valiant Universe’s biggest and most beloved icons! Watch the live-action, episodic series… Then follow the action directly onto the comics page with extra-added action, intrigue, and revelations behind Ninjak’s grueling firefight against Valiants’ most indelible heroes – with red-hot creators Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks) and Joe Bennett (Deathstroke) calling the shots!
- Price: $3.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 32
- On Sale: February 21, 2018
- Writer: Eliot Rahal
- Artist: Joe Bennett
- Cover Artist: Kevin Wada, CAFU, Francis Portela, Joe Eisma