Harbinger Wars, Valiant’s first crossover event, begins here! Two dozen undisciplined, untested and untrained superhuman children have just escaped from a top-secret research facility and into the world. When Bloodshot, Toyo Harada and Peter Stanchek join the chase, will the Valiant Universe be ready for its first all-out superhuman showdown?
Collecting HARBINGER WARS #1-4 by acclaimed writers Joshua Dysart (Harbinger) & Duane Swierczynski (Bloodshot) and artist Clayton Henry (Archer & Armstrong), start reading here for a high-stakes tale that will put Valiant’s greatest heroes to the ultimate test!
“From the art to the writing, Harbinger Wars is a smooth package…” – The Onion/A.V. Club
“Five stars… A big event done right. It’s hugely entertaining…” – Comic Vine
“Harbinger Wars is an absolute blast…” – Multiversity Comics
- Catalog Number: 978-1-939346-09-4>
- Price: $14.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 112
- On Sale: September 18, 2013
- Writer: Joshua Dysart & Duane Swierczynski
- Artist: Clayton Henry, Pere Perez, Clayton Crain, Mico Suayan
- Colorist: Brian Reber
- Letterer: Dave Lanphear
- Cover Artist: Clayton Crain
- Editor: Warren Simons, Josh Johns