Ales Kot (Secret Avengers) and Adam Gorham (Zero) continue the sleeper hit of 2015 with a whirlwind race against time to save the Valiant Universe!
Neville Alcott and Beta-Max become partners in dealing with crime. The problem is: Neville Alcott doesn’t like cyborgs. The bigger problem is: Neville Alcott swallowed the virus they were chasing after — and Beta-Max is his only shot at convincing the virus to surrender peacefully.
When we discover the true purpose of the virus, everything changes.
- Price: $3.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 32
- On Sale: July 15, 2015
- Writer: Ales Kot
- Artist: Adam Gorham
- Cover Artist: Raul Allen, Adam Gorham
- Editor: Warren Simons, Kyle Andrukiewicz