In the beginning… Bloodshot: Harbinger Hunter! At last – a special origin issue revealing Bloodshot’s hidden history in the Valiant Universe! Recently, the unstoppable, nanite-infused weapon known as Bloodshot was set free by the mysterious Dr. Kureitch, who implied that the two of them shared a past…and many, many secrets. Now, we will finally see how far back their twisted, symbiotic relationship goes. Bloodshot and Dr. K used to be extremely skilled at tracking and slaughtering [REDACTED], and the results of one botched mission in particular now threatens to rock the Valiant Universe to its core… Questions will be answered. Alliances will be betrayed. And body counts will tallied.
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for – and it’s one that will leave you reeling.
- Price: $3.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 32
- On Sale: January 16, 2013
- Writer: Duane Swierczynski
- Artist: Matthew Clark
- Inker: Stefano Gaudiano
- Colorist: Ian Hannin
- Letterer: Rob Steen
- Cover Artist: Kalman Andrasofszky, Trevor Hairsine
- Editor: Warren Simons, Jody LeHeup