Those email forwards Grandma sends you? Every lurid cover of every supermarket tabloid? That website rambling on about truthers, birthers and black ops alien greys working for the U.N.? ALL TRUE. The Sect has dragged a curtain of confusion across the inner workings of the world, but fear not, the conspiracy-busters Archer & Armstrong are here to deliver Truth in the form of ass-kicking! But our heroes’ newfound friendship will face its greatest test as they battle The Sisters of Perpetual Darkness. Obadiah Archer thought he had been betrayed by his family before, but nothing can prepare him for this!
- Price: $3.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 32
- On Sale: October 10, 2012
- Writer: Fred Van Lente
- Artist: Clayton Henry
- Colorist: Matt Milla
- Letterer: Dave Lanphear
- Cover Artist: Arturo Lozzi, David Aja
- Editor: Warren Simons