Caught in the jaws of the Faraway!
General Redacted has laid claim to the greatest secret in a time-lost dimension that’s practically built on ‘em. Must be a doozy, huh? Well, it’s big enough that Redacted and his army of alien greys are laying waste to anyone and anything that approaches their occupied lands of the Faraway. Now, it’s down to Archer & Armstrong to run the greatest infiltration/liberation/inebriation mission history has ever known, which would be a cakewalk if its wasn’t for all the UFOs, hostile natives and, of course, the dinosaurs. Yup, could definitely do without those dinosaurs.
- Price: $3.99
- Rating: T+
- Pages: 32
- On Sale: August 14, 2013
- Writer: Fred Van Lente
- Artist: Pere Perez
- Colorist: David Baron
- Cover Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino, Juan Doe
- Editor: Josh Johns